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Supplementary Material 1 - List of Angiosperms on lowland inselbergs: List containing 505 angiosperm species occurring on lowland inselbergs in the Atlantic Forest, SE Brazil, highlighting species included in official lists of endangered flora, life forms, habitat type of occurrence, origin, voucher, link for the herbarium image of the voucher. Authors: de Paula, LFA; Azevedo, LO; Mauad, LP; Cardoso, LJT; Braga, JMA; Kollmann, LJC; Fraga, CN; Menini Neto, L; Labiak, PH; Mello-Silva, R; Porembski, S; Forzza, RC Supplementary Material 2 - List of Ferns and Lycophytes on lowland inselbergs: List containing 43 fern and lycophyte species occurring on lowland inselbergs in the Atlantic Forest, SE Brazil, highlighting species included in official lists of endangered flora, life forms, habitat type of occurrence, origin, voucher, link for the herbarium image of the voucher. Authors: de Paula, LFA; Azevedo, LO; Mauad, LP; Cardoso, LJT; Braga, JMA; Kollmann, LJC; Fraga, CN; Menini Neto, L; Labiak, PH; Mello-Silva, R; Porembski, S; Forzza, RC

ver Fonte/+info (dt.atualização: 29/05/2020)

?Suppl. material 1. List of angiosperms occurring on lowland inselbergs in the Atlantic Forest


SE Brazil. Origin and life forms: followed Flora do Brasil 2020 (under construction

Alcantarea patriae

Versieux & Wand.

Threatened category: followed Centro Nacional de Conservação da Flora (


DD = Data deficient


NT = Near Threatened


VU = Vulnerable

F, C

CR = Critically Endangered


EN = Endangered

Forzza, R.C. 8808 (RB)

LC = Least Concern[]=RB

NE = Not evaluated. Source: indicates where we achieved the information that the species is occurring on lowland inselbergs

F: when the species was listed in Flora do Brasil website as occurring on Rock outcrop vegetation (and we confirmed that it occurred on lowland inselbergs)

A: when the species was found on previous published articles (in this case we provided the reference for the article)

C: when the species was collected by the authors of the present paper

EC: when the species was sampled by an extra collector and we found vouchers in online databases (JABOT-JBRJ

Reflora-Herbário Virtual Habitat: indicates if the species occurred in vegetation islands (VI

ellipsoid vegetation patches surrounded by bare rock) and scrub (S

arboreal-shrub vegetation bordering inselberg). References or voucher: indicates vouchers with the respective acronym of the herbarium according to Thiers (

continuously updated) when the source is C or EC

in case the source is A

it was provided the reference of the article (see references at the end of the table). Link for the voucher: provides the link for the online image of the respective voucher

links are from JABOT-JBRJ and Reflora-Herbário Virtual.

Veja também: 119 120 121 122 123


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