?Suppl. material 1. List of angiosperms occurring on lowland inselbergs in the Atlantic Forest |
Amaryllidaceae |
SE Brazil. Origin and life forms: followed Flora do Brasil 2020 (under construction |
Hippeastrum brasilianum |
http://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/) |
(Traub & J.L.Doran) Dutilh |
Threatened category: followed Centro Nacional de Conservação da Flora (http://www.cncflora.jbrj.gov.br/portal) |
Native |
DD = Data deficient |
EN |
NT = Near Threatened |
Herb |
VU = Vulnerable |
F, C |
CR = Critically Endangered |
VI |
EN = Endangered |
Forzza, R.C. 4704 (RB) |
LC = Least Concern |
http://jabot.jbrj.gov.br/v3/consulta.php?edtcodbarras=494922&chkboxherbario[]=RB |
NE = Not evaluated. Source: indicates where we achieved the information that the species is occurring on lowland inselbergs |
F: when the species was listed in Flora do Brasil website as occurring on Rock outcrop vegetation (and we confirmed that it occurred on lowland inselbergs) |
A: when the species was found on previous published articles (in this case we provided the reference for the article) |
C: when the species was collected by the authors of the present paper |
EC: when the species was sampled by an extra collector and we found vouchers in online databases (JABOT-JBRJ |
www.jbrj.gov.br/jabot |
Reflora-Herbário Virtual |
http://reflora.jbrj.gov.br/reflora/herbarioVirtual/). Habitat: indicates if the species occurred in vegetation islands (VI |
ellipsoid vegetation patches surrounded by bare rock) and scrub (S |
arboreal-shrub vegetation bordering inselberg). References or voucher: indicates vouchers with the respective acronym of the herbarium according to Thiers (http://sweetgum.nybg.org/ih/ |
continuously updated) when the source is C or EC |
in case the source is A |
it was provided the reference of the article (see references at the end of the table). Link for the voucher: provides the link for the online image of the respective voucher |
links are from JABOT-JBRJ and Reflora-Herbário Virtual. |